The Florida National High Adventure Sea Base operates nine different adventures out of three different locations: two in the Florida Keys, and one in Marsh Harbour, Bahamas. The adventures Coral Reef Sailing, Sea Exploring Adventure, Scuba Adventure, Scuba Certification, and Live Aboard Scuba Adventure operate in the Florida Keys at Mile Marker 73.8 at Sea Base on Lower Matecumbe Key located 75 miles south of Miami (Lower Matecumbe Key – MAP). Out Island Adventure and Keys Adventure programs operate in the Florida Keys on Summerland Key at Mile Marker 23.8 at the Brinton Environmental Center located 125 miles south of Miami (Summerland Key – MAP). (Key West, the southernmost point in the Keys, Florida and the continental United States, is located at Mile Marker zero.) Bahamas Adventure and Bahamas Tall Ship Adventures operate out of the Bahamas Sea Base in Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas, located about 100 miles east of Fort Lauderdale. (For mailing and physical address, visit the contact page.) Scouting’s most complete aquatic facility offers a complete variety of water activities from SCUBA diving to sailing “Tall Ships”. All participants have the opportunity to swim, snorkel, and fish among the most beautiful coral reefs in the northern hemisphere.

The Facility

The elevated dormitories look out across Florida Bay to one of the many bridges that separate the Gulf of Mexico from the Atlantic Ocean. The harbor has a 300 foot pier for the sailing yachts, as well as many smaller docks for the base’s fleet of power boats. SCUBA instruction is offered in special diving tanks complete with an underwater viewing port. The Ship’s Store (Trading Post) sells many items that you may have forgotten and items to take home to help you remember your adventure.

Only a few miles offshore, an extensive underwater living coral garden forms a barrier reef protecting the islands. Here, among pillars of living coral, you come face to face with thousands of multi-hued tropical fish in water so clear that while swimming, you have the sensation of floating in mid-air. The area abounds with legends and tales of unequaled adventure. Even to this day, the lure of discovering a buried treasure burns in the hearts of true adventurers.


Telephone: 305-664-4173

Postal address: P.O. Box 1906, Islamorada, FL 33036

Physical address: 73800 Overseas Hwy, Lower Matecumbe Island, Florida Keys 33036

Courtesy of the Coosa Lodge Where To Go Camping Guide.

For more information on the Order of the Arrow Coosa Lodge visit