Wood Badge is Scouting’s Premier Training Course for ALL Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout and Venturing Leaders as well as Council and District Leaders and Professionals.

Wood Badge is a Scouting leadership program and offers a common award for adult leaders in the programs of scout associations throughout the world. Wood Badge courses aim to make Scouters better leaders by teaching advanced leadership skills, and by creating a bond and commitment to the Scout movement. Courses have a combined classroom and practical outdoors-based phase followed by a Wood Badge ticket, also known as the project phase. By “working the ticket,” participants put their newly gained experience into practice to attain ticket goals aiding the Scouting movement.

What you will learn at Wood Badge training

  1. Wood Badge will help you understand what it means to deliver the promise of Scouting.
  2. Wood Badge will clarify your role in making scouting a “special place” and then bring the vision and values of Scouting home to the youth we serve.
  3. Wood Badge will give you a basic understanding of leadership skills and how to apply those skills to develop youth leaders, and get participants the confidence to let boys lead. These same skills are taught in NYLT programs for scouts.
  4. Wood Badge will provide you a practical experience of living, learning, and working in a group. You will better understand how teams operate, and how to be more effective when dealing with group dynamics in your daily life and in Scouting.
  5. Wood Badge provides important insights into the patrol method in the way Scouts learn and work together.
  6. Wood Badge gives you an opportunity to experience the reflection process, and how to use it to help boys make sense of their experiences.
  7. Wood Badge provides meaningful insight into how to create an atmosphere of trust and openness in Scouting and for all Scouts.
  8. Wood Badge will provide an opportunity to learn how to plan and carry out SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely) as you deliver your vision for the Scouting program to our youth.
  9. Wood Badge reinforces the idea that all Scouts deserve trained and effective leaders.
  10. Wood Badge provides an opportunity to meet people with similar interest in Scouting and to develop new lifelong friendships.

Who can attend Wood Badge Training?

  • Wood Badge is for adult leaders in Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, or Varsity Scout programs as well as Council and District leaders.
  • Must be a registered Scouter — male and female leaders are encouraged to attend.
  • Be 21 years old (unless, you are an assistant scoutmaster, then you may be 18.)
  • Have completed Fast Start and Basic Training requirements for your registered position.
  • There are no required years of experience in Scouting to attend Wood Badge. Wood Badge may be especially helpful to those new to Scouting.

For more information visit www.woodbadgealabama.com or sign up on at 1bsa.org.